OK everyone! The moment you have all been waiting for.....Drumroll please.....We have confirmed Joey's pregnancy!! We went to the Vet's yesterday and got an ultrasound. The Dr. said he could see at least 6 little pups. We are so excited. We can't wait to meet these pups when they are born. Joey has the best temperament and personality and Wonka is so charming and super friendly that we think their puppies are going to be amazing.
As usual Joey got lots of attention at the vets. All the other patients just oohed and ahhed over her. She is such a little angel when we go out. She walks so well on her leash and sits so prim and proper next to us while we wait. When other dogs come around and they are pulling their owners around or trying to get to her to sniff her, she just kind of lifts an eyebrow, happily sniffs back, but remains seated and calm. People just can't get over how well behaved she is. And of course they think she is adorable as well.....just had to brag a little....
We will update the blog again as Joey progresses with her pregnancy. The expected date of arrival is March 29th!! That is just around the corner!!