Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Some Pictures To Share

I wanted to post some pictures of Linnie. He puppies should be arriving any day now, although Linnie likes to keep us on our toes and has kept us waiting before!
You can see how big her tummy is in the 2nd picture. You would think that with that big tummy, that she would spend most of her day laying around. Ok, well she does do a good amount of that. She also loves to play with Victoria. They have become fast pals and really enjoy hanging out together. We have to keep their playtime to indoor time though so that Linnie does not run around too much or get overheated. Is anyone else looking forward to some nice Fall weather??
The first picture is an adorable shot of Linnie, taking a rest. Love it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good evening

Awesome blog, great write up, thank you!